The Developmental Learning Center (DLC) is a faith-based special needs learning and childcare center nonprofit, where each child is taught at their own pace.
Abby's Story

Abigail was born with Spina Bifida and her mom was told that she would never walk on her own and that the best she could hope for was that Abigail would walk with braces. When 'Abby' was 9 months old, her mom became a single mother. And that was just the beginning of an uphill battle of navigating life hurdles and they both needed HOPE at this moment.
A friend recommended that mom should try DLC. With much reluctance, she enrolled Abby at DLC and was just hoping for the best for both of them during this tough time. In just one short year Abby has made more progress than her mom could have ever imagined. Abby has built strength in her legs and ankles and is not only crawling on her hands and knees but she can pull up on her own and CAN STAND WITH ASSISTANCE!
What has shocked mom even more is Abby's pride and joy in herself and her new mobility. According to her mom, it is apparent all over Abby's face each time she can do something for herself and she has become extremely independently minded. Abby has made true progress at DLC and mom is so thankful to the amazing teachers, therapists, and the support system at DLC. Mom says DLC is not just a daycare by any means and has changed both of their lives for the better. Mom knows DLC is where Abby belongs to have the opportunity to continue her journey.
Abby is now independently using her walker and transitioning to using crutches. Abby's success so far is filled with hope and miracles and we look forward to seeing where she goes on her journey at DLC.
Moving Mountains

Cherish's Story
As shared by her mom.
"Cherish has always been a smiling, loving and adventurous girl who never let anything get in her way of doing what she wanted to do. Cherish was diagnosed with exotropia also known as strabismus [a condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place at the same time] in August 2018. In November 2019, Cherish would have surgery to correct her vision, soon after we noticed she wasn't reaching normal milestones. She was then diagnosed with Hypotonia [a medical state of low muscle tone, often involving reduced muscle strength] and Global developmental delay in 2019.
Cherish previously received therapy at Wolfson's Children Rehab where one of the Physical Therapist referred us to DLC. We visited many different day cares and none of them seem to be the perfect fit for Cherish. We finally tried DLC in hope that Cherish would get the time, attention and help needed and we couldn't be happier!
Since starting DLC, Cherish has developed more confidence in herself. When Cherish first started at DLC, she could only crawl. While others doubted that she would walk, we always had faith that Cherish would walk on her own when she was ready because she always seems to do everything on her time. Cherish started walking using a gait trainer and is now standing and beginning to take more and more steps everyday independently.
We are excited to see how she will grow every day and we will continue to be grateful for each inch stone and milestone she accomplishes. We always stick by the quote that "You were assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.""

A letter from Liam's former Preschool Teacher Annalaura Scott
Not all heroes wear capes. Some have Spina Bifida whose parents were told he would never walk, but ends up running 2 miles at the Gate River Run. That's a DLC Hero! When Liam started with DLC in August of 2013 he was just 21 months old, but he had a different birth story from you and I.
Liam has always been an extremely bright child who loved to learn and interact with his friends and teachers. One of Liam's biggest hurdles was getting around the classroom independently. He was unable to crawl on his own but with support from his family, DLC Teachers, and Therapists, Liam was pushed to gain strength, balance, and independence.
Watching Liam grow and learn while at DLC was an amazing experience. Liam has more determination than most people. He finally started crawling, pulling up, utilized the stander, gait trainer, walker, and 'go-go' sticks to eventually walking independently. Liam also graduated from the DLC VPK program fully walking on his own.
Liam, I am so proud of the young man you have grown into. You have always amazed me with your determination and strength. I pray you keep doing amazing things and I am so glad I was able to see your miracle and be a part of your early years. Keep pushing, do great, and stay sweet.
Have you met Calvin?

Let us share with you a story of Hope and Family.
Meet Calvin and his family.
He is a perfect, sweet little boy. He is loved and fearfully and wonderfully made.
Here is how his mom Sarah Jane describes him and how they came together...
"One Friday night in December, we got a call that Calvin had been born, two weeks early!
met him the day after he was
born, in his birth mother's hospital room. He was, and is, perfect. Five days later,
was diagnosed with a rare
condition and we learned that he would be unable to see. We know he will never see
the same way that we do, and
that there will be experiences that will be more challenging for him. But we also know
challenges don't have to be
bad and that Calvin will see things in a very special way, and we can't wait to learn
Calvin's adoption finalization hearing was this past Spring. Not all families get to stand in front of a judge and declare their love for and commitment to their child, but we did. We feel so lucky that we get to love Calvin and be his parents. It wouldn't be possible without his birth family, who will always be honored in our family. From the first moment that we held Calvin in our arms, he was a part of our family, but we are overjoyed to make it official!"
We are so excited to have sweet Calvin be a part of the DLC Nurse & Learn family. Join us in welcoming him and his family to Team DLC.